
Computational Science Distinguished Seminar Series

The School of Advanced Computing is pleased to announce the Computational Science Distinguished Seminar Series. Drawing from scientific computing, applied mathematics and scientific machine learning, these seminars will showcase the work of leading computational scientists with applications ranging from systems biology and materials physics, to aerospace, sustainability and energy science. Join us as this seminar series launches on.

Spring 2025 Series

Upcoming Seminars

George Haller

Mon. February 3, 2025 - George Haller - ETH Zürich

Full Professor at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering

Chair in Nonlinear Dynamics

ETH Zürich

Nonlinear Spectral Model Reduction from Data

3:45 pm (refreshments 3:45 pm, seminar begins at 4:00 pm)

RTH 526

Abstract: Machine learning has been a major development in applied science and engineering, with impressive success stories in static learning environments like image, pattern, and speech recognition. Yet the modeling of dynamical phenomena—such as nonlinear vibrations of solids and transitions in fluids—remains a challenge for classic machine learning. Indeed, neural net models for nonlinear dynamics tend to be complex, uninterpretable and unreliable outside their training range.

In this talk, I discuss a dynamical systems alternative to neural networks in the data-driven reduced-order modeling of nonlinear phenomena. Specifically, I show that the recent concept of spectral submanifolds (SSMs) provides very low-dimensional attractors in a large family of mechanics problems ranging from wing oscillations to transitions in shear flows. A data-driven identification of the reduced dynamics on these SSMs gives a mathematically justified  way to construct accurate and predictive reduced-order models for solids, fluids and controls without the use of governing equations. I illustrate this on physical problems including the accelerated finite-element simulations of large structures, prediction of transitions to turbulence, reduced-order modeling of fluid-structure interactions, extraction of reduced equations of motion from videos, and model-predictive control of soft robots.

Bio: George Haller is a professor of Mechanical Engineering at ETH Zürich, where he holds the Chair in Nonlinear Dynamics and heads the Institute for Mechanical Systems. His prior appointments include tenured faculty positions at Brown, McGill and MIT. He also served as the inaugural director of Morgan Stanley’s fixed income modeling center. Professor Haller is a recipient of a Sloan Fellowship in mathematics, an ASME Thomas Hughes Young Investigator Award, a School of Engineering Distinguished Professorhip (McGill), and the Stanley Corrsin Award of the APS. He is an external member of the Hungarian Academy of Science and an elected fellow of SIAM, APS and ASME. He currently serves as feature editor at Nonlinear Dynamics and senior editor at the Journal of Nonlinear Science. His research focuses on nonlinear dynamical systems with applications to mechanical vibrations, coherent structures in turbulence, and data- and equation-driven model reduction for physical systems. He has authored three monographs in these areas.


Wed. February 26, 2025 - Jessica Zhang - Carnegie Mellon University

George Tallman Ladd and Florence Barrett Ladd Professor

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Courtesy Appointment in Biomedical Engineering

Carnegie Mellon University

From neurological disorders to additive manufacturing: integrating isogeometric analysis
with deep learning and digital twins

3:00 pm (refreshments 3 pm, seminar begins at 3:30 pm)

Room TBD

Abstract: For neurological disorders, a novel phase field model is introduced, simulating neurite outgrowth and disorders using IGA. Combining IGA with convolutional neural networks, the talk analyzes key parameters affecting neurodevelopmental disorders and presents a PDE-constrained optimization model for neurodegenerative disorders. Additionally, an IGA-based physics-informed graph neural network is developed to predict intracellular transport in complex neuron geometries.

This talk explores the integration of physics-based simulations with data-driven modeling, focusing on isogeometric analysis (IGA), deep learning, and digital twins for two main applications: neurological disorders and additive manufacturing (AM). In the AM domain, the talk covers AI-driven inverse design for 4D printing, IGA-based topology optimization for heat exchangers, and rapid geometry distortion prediction in metal printing processes. Ongoing efforts include developing digital twins for efficient process control in laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) manufacturing.

Bio: Jessica Zhang is the George Tallman Ladd and Florence Barrett Ladd Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, with a courtesy appointment in Biomedical Engineering. She earned her B.Eng. in Automotive Engineering and M.Eng. in Engineering Mechanics from Tsinghua University, and her M.Eng. in Aerospace Engineering and Ph.D. in Computational Engineering and Sciences from The University of Texas at Austin. Her research interests include computational geometry, isogeometric analysis, the finite element method, data-driven simulations, and image processing, with a strong focus on their applications in computational biomedicine and engineering. Zhang has co-authored over 230 publications in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings and is the author of the book Geometric Modeling and Mesh Generation from Scanned Images (CRC Press). Her work spans both theoretical development and practical applications, contributing significantly to advancements in both fields. She is a Fellow of prominent societies, including ASME, SIAM, IACM, USACM, IAMBE, AIMBE, SMA, and ELATES at Drexel, highlighting her distinguished reputation in the field. Currently, she serves as the Editor-in-Chief of Engineering with Computers, further establishing her leadership in computational science and engineering research.

Vahid Tarokh

Wed. October 10, 2024 - Vahid Tarokh - Duke University

The Rhodes Family Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Bass Connections Endowed Professor

Professor of Mathematics

Duke University

Representation Learning, Prediction, and Sampling of Extreme Events

9:00 am (refreshments 9 am, seminar begins at 9:30 am)

RTH 526

Abstract: Understanding the joint distribution of simultaneous extremes in the multi-dimensional scenario may be important in various disciplines such as medicine, environmental science, engineering, and finance. For example, how are extreme weather patterns related in geographical areas or how do extremes of different financial instruments relate? However, extreme events are rare in occurrence by definition and the traditional tools of statistical analysis often fail to apply in this regime. In this talk, we discuss some of our recent contributions [1,2,3,4,5] to development of efficient computational solutions including various novel neural network architectures for the modeling, sampling, and inference of high dimensional extreme value distributions.

[1] Yang, H., Hasan, A., Ng, Y. and Tarokh, V.,  Neural McKean-Vlasov Processes: Distributional Dependence in Diffusion Processes,  27th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS),  May 2024.

[2] A. Hasan, Y. Ng, J. Blanchet, and V. Tarokh, “Representation Learning for Extremes”, Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) Workshop on Heavy Tails in Machine Learning, Dec. 2023.

[3] Ng, Y., Hasan, A., and Tarokh, V., Inference and Sampling for Archimax Copulas, Conference on Neural Information Processing System (NeurIPS), Dec. 2022.

[4] Hasan, A., Elkhalil, K., Ng, Y., Pereira, J.M., Farsiu, S., Blanchet, J., and Tarokh, V., Modeling Extremes with d-max-decreasing Neural Networks, Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), Aug. 2022.

[5] Yuting Ng, Ali Hasan, Khalil Elkhalil, and Vahid Tarokh, Generative Archimedean Copulas, 37th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), July 2021

Bio: Vahid Tarokh worked at AT&T Labs-Research until August 2000. In September 2000, he joined the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) as an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. In June 2002, he joined Harvard University as a Gordon McKay Professor of Electrical Engineering and Hammond Vinton Hayes Senior Research Fellow. He was named Perkins Professor of Applied Mathematics in 2005. In Jan 2018, He joined Duke University, as the Rhodes Family Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Bass Connections Endowed Professor, and Professor of Computer Science, and Mathematics. From Jan 2018 to May 2018, He was a Gordon Moore Distinguished Scholar at the California Institute of Technology (CALTECH). During Jan 2019-Dec 2022, he served as a Microsoft Data Science Investigator at Duke University.

Past Seminars


Mon. September 30, 2024 - Youssef Marzouk - Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT)

Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Co-director, Center for Computational Science and Engineering

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Transport methods for Bayesian inference and optimal experimental design

3:45 pm (refreshments 3:45 pm, seminar begins at 4:00 pm)

RTH 526

Abstract: Measure transport has emerged as a versatile tool in probabilistic modeling and inference, offering a unifying perspective on various computational challenges. This talk explores the core principles of transport maps and their ability to induce couplings between probability measures, facilitating efficient simulation and analysis. We will survey the diverse landscape of transport representations, from polynomials and invertible neural networks to ODE flow maps, highlighting how these constructions capture different notions of low-dimensional structure in probabilistic models.

The presentation will then focus on recent advancements in two key areas:

1. Nonlinear ensemble filtering: This talk explores novel transport-based algorithms that generalize the ensemble Kalman filter to nonlinear settings, offering improved performance in challenging filtering problems.

2. Simulation-based inference: We will investigate how transport maps can be leveraged to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of inference in scenarios where only forward simulations are available.

Additionally, this talk explores the application of transport-based density estimates in bounding information-theoretic objectives for optimal experimental design, demonstrating the broad utility of this framework in decision-making under uncertainty.

Bio: Youssef Marzouk is the Breene M. Kerr (1951) Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and co-director of the Center for Computational Science and Engineering within the MIT Schwarzman College of Computing. He is also a core member of MIT's Statistics and Data Science Center and a PI in the MIT Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS).

His research interests lie at the intersection of statistical inference, computational mathematics, and physical modeling. He develops new methodologies for uncertainty quantification, Bayesian computation, and machine learning in complex physical systems, motivated by a broad range of engineering and science applications. His recent work has centered on algorithms for inference, with applications to data assimilation and inverse problems; dimension reduction methodologies for high-dimensional learning and surrogate modeling; optimal experimental design; and transportation of measure as a tool for inference and stochastic modeling.

He received his SB, SM, and PhD degrees from MIT and spent four years at Sandia National Laboratories before joining the MIT faculty in 2009. He is also an avid coffee drinker and an occasional classical pianist.

Vahid Tarokh

Wed. October 10, 2024 - Vahid Tarokh - Duke University

The Rhodes Family Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Bass Connections Endowed Professor

Professor of Mathematics

Duke University

Representation Learning, Prediction, and Sampling of Extreme Events

9:00 am (refreshments 9 am, seminar begins at 9:30 am)

RTH 526

Abstract: Understanding the joint distribution of simultaneous extremes in the multi-dimensional scenario may be important in various disciplines such as medicine, environmental science, engineering, and finance. For example, how are extreme weather patterns related in geographical areas or how do extremes of different financial instruments relate? However, extreme events are rare in occurrence by definition and the traditional tools of statistical analysis often fail to apply in this regime. In this talk, we discuss some of our recent contributions [1,2,3,4,5] to development of efficient computational solutions including various novel neural network architectures for the modeling, sampling, and inference of high dimensional extreme value distributions.

[1] Yang, H., Hasan, A., Ng, Y. and Tarokh, V.,  Neural McKean-Vlasov Processes: Distributional Dependence in Diffusion Processes,  27th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS),  May 2024.

[2] A. Hasan, Y. Ng, J. Blanchet, and V. Tarokh, “Representation Learning for Extremes”, Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) Workshop on Heavy Tails in Machine Learning, Dec. 2023.

[3] Ng, Y., Hasan, A., and Tarokh, V., Inference and Sampling for Archimax Copulas, Conference on Neural Information Processing System (NeurIPS), Dec. 2022.

[4] Hasan, A., Elkhalil, K., Ng, Y., Pereira, J.M., Farsiu, S., Blanchet, J., and Tarokh, V., Modeling Extremes with d-max-decreasing Neural Networks, Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), Aug. 2022.

[5] Yuting Ng, Ali Hasan, Khalil Elkhalil, and Vahid Tarokh, Generative Archimedean Copulas, 37th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), July 2021

Bio: Vahid Tarokh worked at AT&T Labs-Research until August 2000. In September 2000, he joined the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) as an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. In June 2002, he joined Harvard University as a Gordon McKay Professor of Electrical Engineering and Hammond Vinton Hayes Senior Research Fellow. He was named Perkins Professor of Applied Mathematics in 2005. In Jan 2018, He joined Duke University, as the Rhodes Family Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Bass Connections Endowed Professor, and Professor of Computer Science, and Mathematics. From Jan 2018 to May 2018, He was a Gordon Moore Distinguished Scholar at the California Institute of Technology (CALTECH). During Jan 2019-Dec 2022, he served as a Microsoft Data Science Investigator at Duke University.

Vikram Gavini

Tue. October 22, 2024 - Vikram Gavini - University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Materials Science and Engineering

Large-scale electronic structure calculations of extended defects in materials

9:00 am (refreshments 9 am, seminar begins at 9:30 am)

RTH 526


Defects play a crucial role in influencing the macroscopic properties of solids—examples include the role of dislocations in plastic deformation, dopants in semiconductor properties, and domain walls in ferroelectric properties. These defects are present in very small concentrations (few parts per million), yet, produce a significant macroscopic effect on the materials behavior through the long-ranged elastic and electrostatic fields they generate. Notably, the strength and nature of these fields, as well as other critical aspects of the defect-core are all determined by the electronic structure of the material at the quantum-mechanical length-scale. However, carefully converged electronic structure studies on extended defects, such as dislocations, have been out of reach due to the cell-size and periodicity limitations of the widely used electronic structure codes.

This talk will discuss the recent developments that have enabled large-scale density functional theory (DFT) calculations, paving the way for electronic structure studies of defects. The first part of the talk will discuss the development of computational methods and numerical algorithms for conducting fast and accurate large-scale DFT calculations using adaptive finite-element discretization, which form the basis for the recently released DFT-FE open-source code. The second part of the talk will focus on electronic structure studies of dislocations using the developed methods and the insights obtained into fundamental questions such as: What is the core size of a dislocation? Are forces on dislocations solely from elastic interactions? Recent studies on using DFT-FE to understand the energetics of <c+a> dislocations in Mg, and the energetics and nucleation kinetics of quasicrystals (ScZn7.33) will be discussed.

Yannis Kevrekidis

May 2, 2024, Yannis Kevrekidis, Johns Hopkins University

Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering & the Medical School
John Hopkins University


Bloomberg Distinguished Professor

Pomeroy and Betty Perry Smith Professor in Engineering, Emeritus Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering, and of Applied and Computational Mathematics Emeritus Princeton University

No Equations, No Variables, No Space and No Time: Data and the Modeling of Complex Systems

9 am  (refreshments 9 am, seminar begins at 9:30 am)

MCB 101

Abstract: I will give an overview of a research path in data driven modeling of complex systems over the last 30 or so years – from the early days of shallow neural networks and autoencoders for nonlinear dynamical system identification, to the more recent derivation of data driven “emergent” spaces in which to better learn generative PDE laws. In all illustrations presented, I will try to point out connections between the “traditional” numerical analysis we know and love, and the more modern data-driven tools and techniques we now have – and some mathematical questions they hopefully make possible for us to answer.


Bio: Yannis Kevrekidis studied Chemical Engineering at the National Technical University in Athens. He then followed the steps of many alumni of that department to the University of Minnesota, where he studied with Rutherford Aris and Lanny Schmidt (as well as Don Aronson and Dick McGehee in Math). He was a Director's Fellow at the Center for Nonlinear Studies in Los Alamos in 1985-86 (when Soviets still existed and research funds were plentiful). He then had the good fortune of joining the faculty at Princeton, where he taught Chemical Engineering and also Applied and Computational Mathematics for 31 years; seven years ago he became Emeritus and started fresh at Johns Hopkins (where he somehow is also Professor of Urology). His work always had to do with nonlinear dynamics (from instabilities and bifurcation algorithms to spatiotemporal patterns to data science in the 90s, nonlinear identification, multiscale modeling, and back to data science/ML); and he had the additional good fortune to work with several truly talented experimentalists, like G. Ertl's group in Berlin. Currently -on leave from Hopkins- he works with the Defense Sciences Office at DARPA. When young and promising he was a Packard Fellow, a Presidential Young Investigator and the Ulam Scholar at Los Alamos National Laboratory. He holds the Colburn, CAST Wilhelm and Walker awards of the AIChE, the Crawford and the Reid prizes of SIAM, he is a member of the NAE, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the Academy of Athens.

Vikram Gavini

Apr 25, 2024, Vikram Gavini, University of Michigan

Towards large scale quantum accuracy materials simulations

2:00 pm (refreshments at 2 pm, seminar begins at 2:30 pm)

RTH 526

Abstract: Electronic structure calculations, especially those using density functional theory (DFT), have been very useful in understanding and predicting a wide range of materials properties. Despite the wide adoption of DFT, and the tremendous progress in theory and numerical methods over the decades, the following challenges remain. Firstly, many widely used implementations of DFT suffer from domain-size and geometry restrictions, limiting the complexity of materials systems that can be treated using DFT calculations. Secondly, there are many materials systems (such as strongly-correlated systems) where the widely used model exchange-correlation functionals in DFT, which account for the many-body quantum mechanical interactions between electrons, are not sufficiently accurate. This talk will discuss the recent advances towards addressing the aforementioned challenges, which provides a path for large-scale quantum accuracy materials simulations. In particular, the development of computational methods and numerical algorithms for conducting fast and accurate large-scale DFT calculations using adaptive finite-element discretization will be presented, which form the basis for the recently released DFT-FE open-source code. The computational efficiency, scalability and performance of DFT-FE will be presented, which can compute the electronic structure of systems containing many thousands of atoms in wall-times of few minutes. Some recent studies on the energetics of quasicrystals (ScZn 7.33 ) and dislocations in Mg using DFT-FE will be presented, which highlight the complex systems that can be tackled using DFT-FE. In addressing the second challenge, our recent progress in bridging highly accurate quantum many-body methods with DFT will be discussed, which is achieved by computing and using exact exchange-correlation potentials to improve the exchange-correlation functional description in DFT.

Bio: Vikram Gavini is Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science &amp; Engineering at the University of Michigan. He received his Ph.D. from California Institute of Technology in 2007. His interests are in developing methods for large-scale and quantum-accurate electronic structure calculations, numerical analysis of PDEs and scientific computing. DFT-FE, a massively parallel open-source code for large-scale real-space DFT calculations, has been developed in his group. He is the recipient of NSF CAREER Award in 2011, AFOSR Young Investigator Award in 2013, Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers (2012-14), USACM Gallagher Award in 2015, among others. He led the team that received the 2023 ACM Gordon Bell Prize in high performance computing.

Published on April 11th, 2024Last updated on January 15th, 2025