USC School of Advanced Computing
The USC School of Advanced Computing
Building on over 50 years of Trojan computing excellence — from the birth of the Internet to the first operational quantum computing system in academia — the USC School of Advanced Computing (SAC) is USC’s 23rd school.
Launched in 2024, the SAC serves as the primary engine for President Carol Folt’s $1 billion+ Frontiers of Computing, the largest, most comprehensive academic initiative in USC’s history — encompassing computing across USC.
The new school, a unit within the USC Viterbi School of Engineering, is the epicenter of all computing-related activities across USC. Among the school’s many ambitious initiatives is to ensure that all USC students, regardless of major, are fluent in the ethical use of computing technology.
The SAC combines the Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science, the Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and the new Division of Computing Education. It also includes USC Viterbi’s two powerhouse institutes: the Information Sciences Institute (ISI) in Marina del Rey and the Institute for Creative Technologies (ICT) in Playa Vista. Additionally, through the creation of Affinity Faculty groups, the SAC includes faculty whose primary appointments are in computing-focused areas across all of USC’s other schools.
of Computing: A 25-Year Vision
Thank you for joining us for an unforgettable event
at USC's Ginsburg Hall on March 13-14, 2025.

‘All Disciplines Are Technology-Enabled Disciplines’
In our incessant quest to understand, humans - yes, I checked that I am not a robot! - have always used symbols, forms of representation and their manipulation to help extract meaning. The beautiful mathematics of many centuries, built on human ingenuity, have helped us understand fundamental aspects of nature, enhance scientific discovery, improve the human condition and bring increasing prosperity, global progress and self-actualization.
More spectacularly, though, in the very recent past, mathematics have ushered in extraordinary new technological innovation, most of it centered on computing, but with vast impact on everything, everywhere. In a fascinating twist, the mathematics of Newton and Maxwell, and, in the near future, of Schrödinger, have helped create physical devices and technologies that honor and further celebrate their progenitors, provided that they are given enough nourishment in the form of actual data. And such data is harnessed, processed and interrogated for meaning, insight and new advances, by sensors, devices and algorithms also created because we are standing on the shoulders of giants.
This autocatalytic process (can’t help my inner chemical engineer), in which the speed of change of innovation is proportional to the state of innovation (dI/dt~kI), is, of course, Moore’s Law, as a simple integration of the corresponding equation will give you an exponential (I~ekt — I hope I have not lost you here). This explains much of recent technological and computing progress.
But if we take this thinking a bit further, and make for a moment the simple modification that the speed of change of innovation is proportional to the square of the state of innovation (dI/dt~kI2), then the resulting solution is a much faster change; in fact a hockey-stick type change, which mathematicians call a singularity (and, which, for nerdy completeness I must show here: I~1/(k(t_c-t))). Futurist Ray Kurzweil has speculated, using different arguments, that approaching such a singularity is actually not far into the future. And, in fact, if one were to plot the number of data currently collected and analyzed from all kinds of digital sensors and devices, the resulting curve is very much that of a hockey stick (the 1/((t_c-t)) behavior shown above). Which brings us to the centrality of computing in today’s world.
Indeed, consider now that when appropriately harnessed, processed and analyzed - for example, through techniques such as data analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence — this data will help us solve long-lasting, grand challenge-like problems in health, sustainability or well-being.
Or that it will provide new, unexpected insights to solve the complex problems of the social sciences. And, with my additional expectation that we will use the immense power of data processing inherent to these fast-rising new technologies to help usher in new science, based on this data processed (we humans always explored natural intelligence; this time we will explore the artificial). In a way to stand yet again on the shoulders of giants, except that this time, these figurative giants will consist of the seamless intertwining of technology and humanity, in a new, fascinating double helix.
It is with this emerging vision that we created the new USC School of Advanced Computing (SAC), a part of the USC Viterbi School of Engineering, but a true integral part of the entire university. The reason for this school-within-a-school reflects the fundamental duality of digital with the physical. Indeed, all data science, all ML, all AI, all quantum computing, are based on the fundamental physical processes taking place in devices and technological artifacts. Thus, SAC was created to be the home of not only the Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science, of Data Sciences, and the Information Technology Program, but also of the Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (which is connected with invisible chemical bonds to computer science!). But with a drastic departure from academic orthodoxy, SAC will span all disciplines not only within the Viterbi School, but also across the entire university. This involves the creation of Affinity Faculty Groups across USC in areas such as health, sustainability, computational physical sciences, the arts, computational social sciences, and many more, including the study of unintended consequences of computational technologies, which are multiple and powerful.
They say that today all companies are technology companies. I would take one more step and expand it to say that with pervasive computing technologies, all disciplines are technology-enabled disciplines. SAC was created to make this vision a reality.

Do You Compute?
While most people worldwide have never needed and will never need to program a computer, modern computing technology affects everyone’s lives to an unprecedented extent. Computing mediates virtually every facet of life — substantial parts of how people communicate, work, shop, stay informed, consume entertainment, elect their governments, receive health care and organize their finances are conducted on a phone, tablet or desktop connected to the internet.
And if you think computing is ubiquitous today, you haven’t seen anything yet. With the infusion of artificial intelligence — witness the recent Nobel Prizes in physics and chemistry — future generations will live in a far more computationally driven world than we inhabit today.
Given this state of affairs, to call oneself a well-educated person today implies a reasonable understanding of how computers and computing work. We must reimagine how we educate students and ensure they leave the university with some knowledge of modern computing. This is quite different from turning everyone into a computer programmer or chip designer and has to do with understanding what computational tools can (and can’t) do, how to separate spurious claims from fact, and the tools to seek further information that is reliable and authoritative.
USC requires all students to complete general education requirements spanning various subjects. It is time to add a computing requirement to that list. Digital competency, which most USC students achieve already, will not do — our graduates need to be digitally fluent.
At the newly established USC School of Advanced Computing (SAC), we are building out new programs and courses designed to ensure that all students, irrespective of their major, have access to an education that provides digital fluency. This educational mission goes hand in hand with our mission to expand the frontiers of computing by recruiting the best faculty, thought leaders and innovators who will do their research here and invent the future of computing. In addition to substantially growing its two constituent academic departments — the Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science and the Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering — the SAC is designed to recruit scholars in advanced computing across the university.
USC seeks to graduate students who can engage creatively with the modern world, enjoy productive professional lives and meaningfully contribute their talents to society. They will do so to maximal advantage if they are digitally fluent. It is the educational call of our time.